Development Programs and Policies in Iran before the Revolution; Transformation of the Land System and the Collapse of the Rural Economy

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Sociology. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran



The purpose of this research is to analysis of the state of rural economy and its relationship with the development and modernization in Iran. The main proposition is that the rural economy declined and then collapsed during the second Pahlavi period, which was caused by development measures and plans, land reforms, modern exploitation systems, such as the creation of Agricultural units, agricultural joint-stock companies, production cooperatives have happened. Most of the studies on rural development in Iran have been carried out with the perspective of modernization, which shows the connection of this theory with development programs. Modernization and authoritarian development combined with industrialization and urbanization in Iran was formulated as the conceptual device of this research. The validity of the data with the quality of the sources and the method of data analysis in the form of historical sequence and the evolution of the programs have been taken into consideration. The results of the research showed that the development plans and measures under the modernization model, despite some positive consequences, gradually and with the growing trend of oil sales and its effects on Iran's economy, and with the transformation of the zamindari system, the change of rural governance, The dominance of the authoritarian planning system and the emergence of the commercial-industrial capitalist system have provided the grounds for the collapse of the rural economy. This process of rural-urban migration, reduction of agricultural production, departure of the active labor force from the villages, lack of investment in the agricultural and productive sector and dependence on the government, attention of the government to the construction sectors, Isolation of villages participation and the preference of macroeconomics over culture and the community has followed
Extended Abstract
In Iran, paying attention to the village and rural development as a part of the development process on a national scale and also in order to analyze the social, political, and economic developments from a few decades before the revolution - that is, from the 1941s onwards - has been considered as a necessity and is part of the measures and has formed development programs. Agrarian reforms, development programs "such as the establishment of agricultural and industrial units, agricultural joint-stock companies, production cooperatives and, etc." and construction development programs - first, second, third, fourth, and fifth - have played a key role in Iran's rural economy. Despite these programs, the indicators of rural economic development in Iran, especially in the years leading to the 1979 revolution. Most theories and studies on economic development, especially rural development in Iran, have been formulated under the "modernization" approach. This approach has been in a dominant analytical position since the years in question, i.e., 1962 to 1978, due to Iran's encounter with modernization and capitalism mechanisms. The modernization theory considers development and its formation process to be equivalent to economic growth. However, it also pays attention to non-economic dimensions and indicators and considers the prerequisite for development to be the transformation of society's value system. This is so important that Walt Rostow, as one of the most important theorists of the modernization perspective, emphasizes culture and considers it to be the criterion for the rooting of modernization in society. The basic question of this research will be:
-Despite these programs and policies, do the indicators of rural economic development in Iran, especially in the years leading up to the 1979 revolution, indicate a declining state of the economy and its subsequent collapse?
The research method of this study is qualitative, and based on its objectives and questions, it is a documentary and library method. Documentary research is based on the use of documents and evidence. Documentary research refers to the analysis of documents containing information about the phenomenon we want to study. This method deals with rereading, interpreting, and analyzing what has happened. Therefore, in this study, pre-revolutionary development programs, government documents and organizational reports, articles, and writings on the subject in question have been examined, which include the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth development programs, land reforms, and modern exploitation systems in Iran. Scott (1990) considers the quality control criteria for managing documentary resources to include authenticity, credibility, representation, and meaning, and in this study, the selection of documents has been made based on these four criteria. Data analysis was based on the patterns and sequences that link phenomena together.
Results and discussion
The results showed that the process of development policies and programs in Iran in the discussed period has often followed the model of modernization, due to which, on the one hand, the government is the leader in the field of development, and on the other hand, the spread and expansion of the free market and capitalism in villages of Iran, respectively. Due to these development policies and programs, they faced this issue and underwent fundamental changes. The historical sequence and evolution of the programs show that the more that has passed since the beginning of these programs, the wider and deeper their effects on the rural economy have been. The transformation of the zamindari system, through land reforms, construction plans, development, and the establishment of new exploitation systems, caused the replacement of the government as the most important agent of change and development in the village, especially from the 40s onwards, and the change of the ownership system and the rural governance system. Therefore, an important obstacle in the development, spread, and expansion of capitalism and the integration of rural society with the rule of the state and the destruction of the feudal landlord system was removed. This was the prelude to reducing agricultural production in the villages and shifting to mechanized and commercial agriculture, which is debatable with agrarian capitalism. Agrarian capitalism, which was aligned with the emergence of commercial-industrial capitalism, replaced the urban economy with the rural economy and reduced the role of villages in the gross national product.
Agrarian reforms have been an important beginning for the migration of villagers, and along with that, the failure of development programs and the creation of joint-stock agricultural companies, cultivation, and commercial exploitation, especially in cities, accelerated this process. Another consequence of this situation was the sharp difference and growing separation between the city and the countryside. In parallel, the increase in the service sector and the increase in the gap between income and consumption in the villages are other consequences that have accelerated the collapse of the rural economy. Statistics show that the level of per capita income in the urban sector was probably around 2,500 dollars per year, which is ten times higher than the per capita income in the villages. The rapid increase in construction as one of the most important channels of urban development and the attraction of the rural labor force mainly caused the neglect of rural housing, and the use of urban land became the most profitable and prosperous urban activity. This allowed many rural workers to go to the cities, and the work in the villages was lost.
The analysis of the development plans and their effects on the development and rural economy showed that the dominant approach that dominated the plans and programs was the modernization approach with the strategy of transforming the villages. The results confirm the research findings (Azkia and Dibaji Forushani, 2016; Namdar and Sadeghi, 2013). The dominance of an authoritarian planning system with top-down and directive strategy, lack of participation and attention to rural culture and society, the preference for a macro economy due to the increase in oil sales, which was often associated with the expansion of industry, urbanization and the increase in the purchase of military weapons, the structure and relations of rural society and accordingly, the rural economy underwent a fundamental change, and as a result, the village lost its long-standing role as a producer and determinant of the main structure of the economy.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


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