Identifying and Explaining Multiple Functional and Non-Functional Factors in the Field of Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism: A case study of villages of Sarein city

Document Type : Research Project Article


1 Department of Geography, Department of Urban and Rural Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences, University Of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

2 Department of Public Administration and Tourism, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran



The sustainable development of rural tourism is a multifaceted and very important phenomenon. Today, most countries are trying to use the capacity and potential of rural areas to create sustainable development of rural tourism. However, this category has different contexts and approaches, and different factors play a role. The main goal of the current research is to identify and explain multiple functional and non-functional factors in the sustainable development of rural tourism in the villages of Sarein, which has been investigated using a mixed method. The approach used in this research is a partially mixed sequential dominant status design, which takes place in two qualitative-qualitative phases. In the first phase, using the scope review qualitative method, relevant indicators have been identified and counted from related studies, and in the second phase, using the Delphi qualitative method, multiple functional and non-functional roles in the field of sustainable development of rural tourism have been explained from the perspective of experts have become. Based on the research findings, 17 related internal and external studies were identified in the first phase, and their confirmation indicators were extracted using the scope method. In the second phase, by holding three consecutive Delphi rounds, 12 experts categorized functional and non-functional indicators into six components and 81 indicators. According to the present research results, the sustainable development of rural tourism in Sarein is due to various causes and factors, each of which has multiple impacts and impressions. Rural tourism, as a huge and rich potential in various fields, has a developmental and reconstructive role in the villages of Sarein, and paying attention to its functional components can bring all-round rural development and progress and adopting measures for management and control of non-functional components also prevent other harms and threats
Extended Abstract
Rural tourism is one of the most popular types of tourism today, and it includes a combination of effective factors that have developed significantly in recent decades.Today, rural tourism has adopted new trends and plays an important role in the sustainable development of rural tourism communities. Rural areas are important for the development of tourism because they are ecologically attractive areas that, in addition to nature, have a rich traditional culture that is very attractive. Therefore, adopting rural tourism as an alternative development approach has become a preferred strategy to balance economic, social, cultural, and environmental regeneration and sustainable development. Thus, for most thinkers, Rural tourism has been considered an opportunity to promote local development, representing activities that cause change in rural areas. Although many studies have paid attention to the positive and negative factors affecting the sustainable development of rural tourism, research that can examine both cases together has not been done so far, and paying attention to these two important factors is the main focus. On the other hand, even though various studies have proposed components and variables in this field, there is still a lack of findings that can explain this dual role well, and from this point of view, this subject area lacks theoretical foundations. On the other hand, it can be seen that some related studies in this field often take an incomplete path that does not lead to the presentation of conclusive results or findings; for this reason, in this study, the identification and explanation of multiple functional and non-functional factors in the sustainable development of rural tourism is focused, which means that first these factors are identified and then we explain the dimensions and aspects that include them from the perspective of experts. The keyword "multiple" has been used to describe these factors in two ways, one is related to the fact that these factors have different dimensions and aspects that must be identified, and the second is that these factors can be in addition to the impact and impressions related to themselves include other consequences and this category adds to their complexity and multidimensionality. The following presents the theoretical foundations and research background, research methodology, research findings, discussion, and conclusions.
The current research is applied in terms of purpose and hybrid in nature. The method used is mixed, and the approach used is a partially mixed sequential dominant status design, which takes place in two qualitative-qualitative phases. In the first phase, using the scope review qualitative method, relevant indicators have been identified and counted from related studies, and in the second phase, using the Delphi qualitative method, multiple functional and non-functional roles in sustainable development of rural tourism have been explained from the perspective of experts have become. In the first phase, where the scope review method was used, related indicators were identified and counted through various studies in this field. In the second phase of the research, which used the Delphi qualitative method, the researcher provides the items extracted from the previous phase to relevant experts to express their opinions regarding multiple functional and non-functional indicators in the sustainable development of rural tourism. In this phase, 12 experts who were well acquainted with Sarein were selected using targeted sampling. Their main expertise is in tourism, rural tourism, sustainable development, and urban and rural planning. It was geography that participated in three Delphi rounds. By reviewing the relevant theoretical literature in this field, 17 research studies related to the topic were identified and sent to the scope review stage for analysis and review.
Results and discussion
By reviewing the relevant theoretical literature in this field, 17 research studies related to the topic were identified and sent to the scope review stage for analysis and review. Relevant researches have different approaches and perspectives. About 192 indicators were extracted, and each was sent in a specialized form to the experts of the next stage - the Delphi method. According to experts, these indicators can be classified and analyzed as cultural and social, economic, environmental and physical, managerial and political, environmental and health, technology, and infrastructure. For this reason, each component, along with the indicators, is numbered in the related rows, the right column as main components or categories, and the left column as indicators or sub-categories. Based on the experts, these factors are the main functional and non-functional factors in the sustainable development of rural tourism in Sarein. Each case includes various dimensions and aspects, making them not one-dimensional.
According to the cultural and social components extracted from the second phase of the research, it can be concluded that in Sarein city; factors such as "continuous improvement of tourism values; improving the education and health of the rural community; ensuring the living standards of the rural people; useful cultural exchange; reducing the migration of villagers to the cities; increasing the experiences and awareness of the rural community; improving the quality and value of rural tourism" as Functional factors are in line with the sustainable development of tourism, and such factors as "unacceptance of the local community; increase in crime and delinquency; negative cultural changes; cultural conflict between the host and guest communities; the possibility of damage to the socio-cultural values of the village; values, approaches, and traditional products give way to modern products; the possibility of the phenomenon of imitating urban culture can appear as non-functional factors. This category is due to the multi-dimensionality of the consequences and subsequent effects. The non-functional factors show that the nature or traditional folk culture is still not enough for the sustainable development of rural tourism in Sarein, and since the socio-cultural component is a key factor of the local community and its attitude towards the performance of tourism in the region, attention and care should be taken. Both functional and non-functional factors have a high impact on economic components.
There is no funding support.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.


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