Effects of Civil Investments in Empowerment of Rural Areas (Case Study: Abouzeid -abad District)



Introduction: One of the main objectives for the stability of the governments is to provide welfare and development for societies. Therefore, the development process leads to government’s function. There’s an agreement on the importance of governments to expedite the development process in the third-world literature. And it’s considered as one of the elements which has had a strong affectin changing process of these societies such as rural changings. One of the main objectives for the stability of the governments is to provide welfare and development for societies. Therefore, the development process leads to government’s function. There’s an agreement on the importance of governments to expedite the development process in the third-world literature. And it’s considered as one of the elements which has had a strong affectin changing process of these societies such as rural changings.Rural development is one of the developmental plans for any country which is used to change the economical-social structure of the rural regions and these plans are done by the government and their agents in rural areas. In Iran, the government uses various means in order to achieve rural development and has done different movements too. The government policies and practical movements usually are performed as short, mid and long time programs. Planning started to be done since the central government in Iran was born and after 1316. Having passed seventy years, ten civil plans have prepared in the country and among them nine programs have started to be performed. During the Islamic revolution in Iran, six programs were prepared which five of them were done and after the victory also four programs were planned. By identifying the activities and major and minor movements' indicators, these plans identify the government’s movements in different fields. The field of rural society is one field of planning which governments begin performing their plans in different fields based on the short and mid-time programs. We can see parts of investing result in social system which here we focus on empowerment in Abouzeid abad. 7741 million rials in rural area and 25817 million rials are cost indirectly during the years 1374-1387.
Methodology: This study is based on a basic-practical research. Basic, in one hand because it’s tried to evaluate and analyze a theory in an area iand practical on the other hand, due to using the research results in civil investment in rural areas. The case study of this research has been chosen by finding out the government’s real function and the influences of the laws and its duties. So, by collecting the data and informations of an area, we can analyze the role of the government and its function in rural area development in an objective way. Documental and analytic methods are used to perform this research. The sample volume is 183 by using the Cochran method. The number of samples were asked and distributed on the popular portion in a rural area in a random way. The data were analyzed by defining solidatary coloration
Kendal B.
Results: Field Studies have shown that there’s no soldatary and meaningful relation between the civil investment rate and village empowerment and we can see it in some analyzed indicators such as increasing science and knowledge, stability of educated people in rural areas, increasing cooperation in making decision which, unfortunately, civil investment doesn’t have any influences on these indicators. Correlation between the level of education and migration is 0/602. Thus with higher levels of education, the probability to emigration increases. Therefore, there is no relationship between migration and civil investment. Correlation between those in decision making and invest reconstruction shows that weak and negative correlation exists between the two (-0/404). Thus any amount of civil investment will increase the number of people inclined to participate in economic decision reduced. And following this issue, having passed over 30 years of planning and performing the civil plans after the Islamic revolution, the rural society sees itself as a result of some changes in higher levels.
Conclusion: Rural habitants do not themselves as ones who have a main role. Obviously, what is said as empowerment in theoretical topics, differs cansideraldy with facts of Iranian societies. Although, some of their points can be noticeable. The most important part of empowerment is to achieve power to control the influential forces in human’s life which it can be individually and socially. Also, cooperation is not being used noticed as a main or serious issue in civil investment process and they believe that civil investment is an activity that have to be done in a specific time and place and cooperation is a means for fascinating this process. That’s why there’s no sign of empowerment in discussions.
