Investigating socio – economic participation of stouying administrative staff in the villages of Hamoon parish

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Zabol


Extended abstract
All experts of development, especially rural development emphasize the villager’s participation in rural development. They consider development of the village to be impossible without villagers’ participation and believe that any improvement should begin from the villagers themselves and all people must participate in it. Development should meet social, cultural, ethical etc, needs; this way development plans receive attention and people’s participation in different stages is attracted. Accordingly, the administrative staff staying in villages are on the hand reciprocal collective identity systems expressing old and new collective identities using crucial cultural and symbolic elements and on the other hand are mediators who bring the villages needs and requirements to the public thus setting the grounds to express their problems. Taking this approach, the present study aims at investigating the role of social – economic participation of administrative staff staying in the villages of Hamoon parish.
An analytical – descriptive approach based on library and field resources included completing a questionnaire its reliability and validity approved by experts, has been estimated to be α=0.83. The data are analyzed using SPSS software. The population included staying and non-staying administrative staff in the Hamoon parish villages among which all staying (126 people) and non – staying staff (106 people) are selected from 36 villages of teymourabad(random selection of the district) as the population sample.
To investigate the extent of socio-economic activities of staying administrative staff in the villages under study, the Friedman test was used. Based on this, 18 social and 13 economic variables were identified and were ranked and tested based on the priority of response. In the present study, the Friedman test statistic was 96/355 for the social variable with a difference level of 1 percent (almost zero) and for the economic variable was 30/553 with the significant level of 95 percent. Therefore, with the significant level of 95 percent, the hypothesis that all economic and social variables are equally important from the respondents’ viewpoint is rejected and it can be concluded that staying administrative staff of various degrees are effective in socio-economic variables being tested. The results indicated that there is 99% significant difference between the amount of social and economical participation of staying administrative staff and non- staying ones in the villages of hamoon. In the staying staffs view, the factors: encouraging villages to new enrollments in cooperation’s, raising villages general knowledge and encouraging youth settlement in the village ranked the first to third respectively; and in non – staying staffs opinion, the factors: engagement and cooperation in livestock vaccination plans, running programs for rural youth to spend their free time as well as new cooperation’s between villages in the social dimension ranked first to third. The factors: doing agricultural and ranching activities, purchasing agricultural equipments and providing services for the villages and investment in agricultural and ranching in staying staffs view ranked first to third and in non staying staff, factors: lending money to the villages, supplying some of their required goods from within the village ranked first to third.

The results show that the staff staying in the villages, as the elites of rural community, has been dramatically more active in social – economic arenas than other villagers. These people are supporters of economy of the villages in un official organizations and their social – cultural, political and religious activities, provide the necessary conditions to express the villagers problem and could act and interact together with the surrounding environment in family, acquaintances the village and adjacent villages. More over, they are very important factors in motivating people to think and act in certain arras mostly ignored by rural programmers and researchers. There fore, the stay of administrative staff in village could be a crucial factor in following rural development plans. Nowadays, due to the lack of safe and secure investment in agricultural and ranching activities in villages, few people are willing to invest and transfer their capital to the villages. Lack of formal title deeds for movable and unmovable properties and illegality of local deeds to give assurances to receive financial facilities and credits from banks are among other rural people’s problems. Administrative staffs are able to solve these problems due to being formally employed in state organizations. The cost of purchasing, fixing and preserving agricultural equipment is high and because of few farming lands it is not cost-effective for the farmers to buy them and administrative staff could provide opportunities for villagers to act and earn money. Thus, the suggestion is that educated villagers be given the priority in employing administrative staff, the necessary financial – in situational facilities be provided for staying staffs entrepreneur ship in the village and, making use of the educational and experiential potentials of staying staff in the villages.
Keywords: Economical – social participation, Remaining, The administrative staff in the villages, Hamoon parish.


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