Analysis of Effective Factors on Arable units Output With Emphasis on Farmers Manner in Sistan

Document Type : Research Paper



The agricultural sector has a key role in income earning and rural employment of Sistan region and national economy, whatever is very important in this regard is effective variables on agricultural units’ production which are based on farmer’s socio-economic condition and manners. Required data for this study to consider agriculturist behavior are collected from 100 rural farmers according to the simple random sampling through related questionnaires. In this research work as Analysis of Effective Factors on Arable units Output With Emphasis on Farmers Manner in Sistan, Eviews7 software was used for analyses of relevant information and data. Present study results showed that variables such as literacy, labor training and education, irrigation frequency, farm size, farmers' age and experience had a significant effect on function and output. Therefore, strengthen of the above mentioned effective factors and infrastructure to improve farmers’ activity and rural development in the Sistan region is recommended.
Agriculture as one of the most important economic sector requires an integrated coherent plan to achieve development and challenge for economic, social, cultural and national crisis. Now a day, about 70 percent of food needed by people and raw materials needed for industry, nearly 20 percent of gross national product and almost 25 percent labor force employment by means of this section including the Peerless is another index that its importance makes clearer. Although in lot of studies the role of education and extension for promoting agriculture and rural development has been forgotten but the evidence shows that extension and education creates farmers ability for necessary activities to overcome the troubles.
World Bank in 1975 has defined rural development strategy to improve economic and social life of a particular group of peoples that is poor villagers. This includes transfer of interest and profit to very poor people in rural areas with subsistent living which includes small farmers, tenant farmers and landless farmers. Therefore the purpose of rural development is rural poverty reduction and process should be with applicable design to increase agricultural production and improve economic power for villagers. In this direction training and extension are important variables and inputs in human resources development, so that latest technology and update knowledge can be transfer from relevant research centers and higher education institutions to farmers for productivity increment and stimulus which lead to improving of production, income, consumption, savings, investment and peasant’s life and rural development.
Overall, with considering study results and conclusions few suggestions are recommended for better improvement: The village and villagers must be consider as the main sources of development process and should not in the margin of the development program. Appropriate respect is necessary for rural base with regard to status of the farmers and agricultural professions. Employment of trained and literacy people that well educated in agricultural extension and promotion, as well as make possibility and facilities to enable them for further and higher education as extension experts to improve organization efficiency. The extension and common Education must be motivate and encourage oriented for farmers and according to their interests and requirement of rural development. Considering discouragement of farmer’s for participation in extension and educational classes, and also need to remove the obstacle factors that have great defective role in production process. Finally, concentration should be on agricultural problems and plan for removing impediment of rural progress.
Ultimately, research analysis emphasizes on manner of resources use and accurate planning for the optimum utilization of resources for sustainable cultivation and agriculture. It is obvious that absence of the strengthening infrastructures, effective factors, improve performance and also current situation in the area may result in agricultural and food insecurity of the region with serious challenge encounter. Government support and subsidies on technical assistance to the farmers on the basis of the National Research and other strategies that can be investment resources purposefully in order to increase the productivity of agriculture . In addition, technical assistance on this basis can save farmers life and agriculture security and motivation in practice for adjustment in their behavior. Farmer groups which under the influence of past government politics and behavior could not achieve an effective sample of optimum allocation and utilization of recourses now are in need of researchers and research centers favors and cooperation for better future based on science and experience behavior reform. In this respect, activation and accompaniment of research centers and researchers is serious necessity in the field of optimizing the use of resources in order to increase production and mitigate rural poverty.
Key words: Factors, Function, Farmer, Manner, Rural, Development, OLS, Sistan


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