Challenges of establishment of rural municipality in Iranian small and scattered village

Document Type : Research Paper



Extended abstract:
Challenges of establishment of rural municipality in Iranian small and scattered village

Villages under 20 households that are active in the field of agriculture and related activities, In terms of the economic, environmental and security are important. Integrated management of rural areas in the field of agriculture and exploitation of natural resources is not possible without considering to this settlements. According to statistics, there are 27,906 villages with population in the country that they constitute 43.2 percent of this prosperous country and has a population of under 100 people. This village Due to lack qualify for the establishment of rural municipality and Islamic rural council, are deprived of the rural municipality institution. Establishment of rural municipality in such settlements due to their characteristics, there are various challenges. Such communities tend to be characterized, in relative terms, as sharing some or all of the following attributes:
• Their small size, in terms of population, market and labor supply
• Their physical isolation from other, and particularly larger, urban centers
• Their lack of economic diversification
• A weak and declining economic base and limited employment opportunities
• High production and servicing costs
• A limited range of public and private services
• A small, low-density and often declining rural service hinterland

Methodology of this study based on the purpose is an applied study and based on data gathering techniques, is a documentary research. The data needed to were collected from multiple data sources, existing censuses (1956 to 2011) and spatial data layers. The statistical population of this study, is all the villages in the country and also Analysis Unit is at the village level. Sampling method of this study is census and data are used from Existing censuses. To analysis of data, after its extraction and Preparation, statistical (spss) and GIS (Arc Gis) software were used. Also this approach study based on analysis type, is descriptive analysis.
Characteristics of Small villages and village without Islamic council in different periods in Iran were described and analyzed. In addition to understanding with the nature of the studied villages in the Iran and world, used from documentary methods and resources review.

In the 2011 census, the villages with population were counted 61,724 inhabitants that of this number, 27,906 villages have a population of under 100 persons. In this study village of under 100 persons, in three groups of 1-24, 25-49 and 50-100 persons were studied. The results show that the number of villages with 1-24 persons has reached from 5267 villages in 1956 to 13,310 villages in 2011. The number of villages in this class, from 66,757 persons in 1956 Increased to 162000 in 2011. The number of villages with 25-49 persons has reached from 4688 villages in 1956 to 6078 villages in 2011 and the number of villages in this group, from 173801 persons in 1956 Increased to 221000 in 2011 that show an increase of about 27 percent from the 1956. The number of villages with 50-100 persons has reached from 8420 villages in 1956 to 8518 villages in 2011 and the their population in this group, show an decrease of about 2.7 percent from the 1956. The estimated distribution of villages in the border areas of the border at various depths, shows over 30% of the studied villages are located in the border areas. The main characteristic of this villages, small size and remoteness of their settlements. Low population density and small size of settlements, are closely related to access to Key services such as health and social services, educational and administrative institutions in rural areas. Widespread combined with other factors such as geographic isolation and harsh and difficult path, lack of transport and communications infrastructure. Remote rural areas, generally are face with common challenges such as aging population, low risk-taking culture, inability to participate effectively with economic networks and low levels of education.

- Conclusion
Despite substantial challenges in rural management services in studied villages, due to high geographical distribution, low demand, lack of infrastructure and manpower, cannot deprived this size of population and considerable territorial area from basic services. However, obviously the services delivery system to this villages will be different with large villages and towns. One of the interesting approaches in the field is the use of shared rural management system between adjacent villages with centrality of a village or town. In This approach, small and scattered villages, can benefit from shared services of rural municipality. However set the threshold distance and demographics, for each rural management services (Administrative, financial, legal, public services, physical, and safety...), requires further study.

Key words
Rural municipality, small and scattered village, physical isolation, aging population, Economies of scale


Main Subjects

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