The performance impact of Dehyary on waste management in the villages of rural perspectives (Case Study ؛Sarbok District, Qasreqand County (

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate prof, Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Assistant prof, Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 MSc in Geography and Rural Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The occurrence of factors such as population growth, economic development, welfare, changing consumption patterns and etc. The Produce massive amounts of waste unbridled rural, it’s led to creation of serious and newly crisis in the rural settlements. The Necessity to protect the environment of rural settlements (environmental, social and economic) through structural factors (local institutions managers) requires an influence. The aim of the research, Emphasize a new approach to evaluate and prioritize Dhyary performance and the factors that affect the development of waste management in the South East of the country's rural settlements.Change of life style and consumption pattern and population increasing in urban and rural community had been caused to produce of massive amount of waste and Garbage. This trend, change rural waste nature from perishable material to imperishable such as paper, Plastic, mental and …. From other side, municipal waste transition and Increase in per capita output had waste quantity issues that create significant amount of perishable and imperishable waste Distribution and increasing around streets and rural settlements. The continuation of this process in the future could be result in great environmental pollution of rural regions. Therefore, rural Waste Management is one of the most important activities for prevention of damages and hazards related to human and his living environment especially in rural area. Dehyar, as a one of the rural managers, is bounded to supervision and assessing of garbage gathering and exclusion, positive interaction and participation with health officials and health care centers, and the other rural institutions.
This study is objective based and has descriptive- analyzing methodology, by using of questionnaire that designed through of theorical literature and field study. Finally, after primary study, measures and indexes of study had been extracted and applied for questionnaire designing. In next stage, 452 people as Households selected for community samples in 15 rural points. The sampling way was Targeted and based on existence of rural managers (Dehyars) in rural points. Data gathering and analyzing had been done in Sarbook rural district through of statistical methods, too.
Results and discussion
The gained result of study show that there is direct and meaningful relation (confidence: 0.73) between waste management and local managers duties and turnovers that contain separation and recycling, gathering and maintaining, transport, final disposal and participation. These findings show that increasing of efficiency and enhance the quality of local managers (Council and Dhyars) of tasks and roles could increase waste management in rural settlement around their sphere of influence and adverse, too. Also, Dehyars performance efficiency on waste management in rural settlements based on regressions models is 0.533 that show significant and high efficiency in case study area. Gained result from Pierson correlation statistical confidence show that from 15 case study rural points, only 7 rural points had a strong and meaningful correlation. Among them, Sarbook, Hamiri and Hajiabad with 0.946, 0.789 and 0.716 had stronger and more correlation confidence rather than other rural points.
With regard to gained result, must be emphasis on this fact that local manageress performance in case study area (all of them, with strong or weak correlation), in relation to waste management is unmeaning full in separation and recycling, and transport. It result from so many reasons as like as: weakness of local managers performance in some aspect like awareness, informing of rural community, lack of local training, inappropriate site selecting for garbage disposal and its neighboring to geographical phenomena, non-distributing trash bags to separate them, lack of temporary site for garbage collecting and fast disposal of them, low capacity of waste disposal sites, lack of appropriate financial resource, Final disposal of waste by combustion or incineration in rural environment and out of that, waste and garbage releasing in natural resources and forests, waters resource and rivers, lack of attention to environmental issues of rural area, in compare to other tasks of rural managers, lack of garbage trash in rural spaces for gathering and Separation (except some of rural like as sarbook and …), lack of sufficient and appropriate transporting vehicle, lack of enough and needed workers for waste management, lack of healthy awareness billboard and training tools in rural area, lack of rural councils participation in waste management and est.According to the findings of the investigation and prevention of pollution in rural settlements and as well as accelerating the development of new perspectives and restoring and creating of an integrated management system, targeted and safe programmed to improve the production waste material in case study region is necessary. In addition, to inform and empower the local performance of manager’s information, education, and use of local skills and can help waste management, applications and operations.


Main Subjects

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