The attitudes of parents towards the education of rural girls Case Study: Rural city Songhor & Kolyaei

Document Type : Research Paper


razi university


Rural women, as a half of the rural population, activities economic and social and have major role achieve sustainable development in rural areas. Rural women, farmers producing the next generation and the role of women as mothers are the main breeding, the first step require a high level of knowledge and awareness that rural women have benefited Various studies suggest that the education of girls and rural women in the villages have a lower level than men, On the other hand, if women are literate, compared to the more sensitive issues and on health status, health, economic families and their children more effort and trying to update their own information and knowledge. The main objective of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the education of rural girls is Sonqor & kolyaei County. To determine what factors from the perspective of rural parents on the education of rural girls are affected.
Research Methodology:
The method of this research paradigm in terms of quantity and in terms of access to the facts and data processing methods, the research is descriptive and correlational. The population of the study consisted of parents of girls in rural Sonqor & kolyaei County (N =. 2269). Sonqor & kolyaei County according to the governor of Kermanshah in 1390, has 2 part Markaze & Koliaie that part Markaze of the village's contains 5 villages namely , Ab barek, Bavlh, SArab, Gaverod and Parsyneh is and Koliaie part includes three villages, namely the Agahan, Satar & Kevananat. The part of Koliaie & Markaze the Songor,village of 221 that after preparing the list of villages in the rural randomly selected villages in each district and the number of parents in the education of female children in rural breakdown was given choice. Then, in proportion to their size in each rural, to the parents randomly selected and the sample study found. The sample size is Simple random sampling equal 360 households was estimated. Total collective data four-part questionnaire developed by the researchers was that the first part of the profile of respondents, the second part of the questionnaire parental attitudes towards girls' education and examination of the barriers to higher education for rural girls, and the fourth part of the questionnaire is to examine ways to further education of rural girls. In order to ensure the validity appearance and content of the questionnaire, the views of faculty were secret and reform was necessary. In order to estimate the reliability questionnaire the Cronbach's alpha was used. The coefficient in principle, determine the level of reliability, for the attitude of parents towards the education of rural girls of the barriers to higher education for rural girls to 0/83 and 0/85 and finally for solutions education of rural girls 0/80 were determined.
Results Descriptive statistics showed that more fathers elementary school fifth than mothers were illiterate. The results Average component asked suggest that most parents costs school girls were high, also most parents said that more boys than girls education is important, In this context, the third component was that from the perspective of her husband's parents because the girl should not have to study the costs. In this context, the attitude of most rural parents to educate their girls to negative (40/4percent). Rural parents stated that lack school in the village the biggest obstacle is of education for girls, it was also found that early marriage of girls as a priority component of the mixed boys and girls in second and third place obstacles daughters were educated. From the perspective of rural parents were the most important strategies that reduce the cost of education for rural girls are given, It was also found that the material items in accordance with the needs of the rural community were the second priority, in this component of the curriculum to suit local conditions and the local area is the third priority. The results also showed that there are features like high school girls & tips school girls in rural areas continue for girls and rural girls, respectively, at 5 and 1%, there is a significant difference. Finally, the level of parents' education and their attitude towards the education of rural girls and a positive significant relationship exists.
many rural parents' negative attitude towards girl's education that perhaps part of the problem is related to their culture than their daughters to school. These results and the results of Moshiri et al. (1388) and Horton (1384) are consistent. Negative attitude of parents of rural households and complex factors such as economic weakness comes of rural schools. Most parents agree on the fact that girls continue to be successful in their future benefit. This means that their parents are aware of this study is useful for the future of their daughters, but cultural biases and lack of school facilities including an obstacle in the way. The early marriage of girls from rural areas, agriculture and animal husbandry practices of factors prevent parents of daughters is studying. These results and the results of (Qiang etal, 2008), (Dreze & Kingdon, 2000), (Pal, 2004) and (Kingdon, 2000) is consistent.


Main Subjects

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