Conceptual modeling of rural land segregation challenges through of grounded theory approach (case study area: Mashhad rural area)



Rural land segregation predicate to intercepting the land pieces for devotion to different and variant uses inter or around of rural physical texture that its main goal is providing the healthy, safety and public welfare for rural people and also appropriate exploitation of land for rural reclamation with considering the shortage of residential, official and services spaces in rural area and also with observing the appropriate accessing of land pieces. In this paper, meanwhile of introducing the needed tools in suite structure of rural land segregation, including rural law and rights, standards and limitation, this question had been overturned that what are the main challenges of rural land segregation process in Mashhad rural area? Therefore, had been tried to analyzing of exist structure of rural land segregation by explanation of rural law and right through of expert and specialist of Bonyad Maskan office, and also some experts such as consultants of conducting projects in rural area and other institutions such as Engineering Organization and institution of document registration in Mashhad province. In addition of these sample study, had been tried to analyzing the possible challenges in land segregation process, from the perspective of land owners of case study area. 
Used methodology of this study is based on qualitative approaches and by using of Grounded Theory as a one of the explanative approaches of research. In first step, data gathering had been done by document and liberally resources for proving the theorical base of this process and in next step had been used of open and unstructured interviews. Gathered data had been analyzing by conceptual analysis techniques and after coding in three stages (open coding, axial coding and selected coding), finally conceptual model of land segregation challenges in rural area had been extracted from analyzed data that include land providing challenges, limitation of natural and physical factors, legal barriers of owners and executive limitation of land segregation that legal limitation is most important factor for shaping the land segregation process in rural area. Rural land segregation predicate to intercepting the land pieces for devotion to different and variant uses inter or around of rural physical texture that its main goal is providing the healthy, safety and public welfare for rural people and also appropriate exploitation of land for rural reclamation with considering the shortage of residential, official and services spaces in rural area and also with observing the appropriate accessing of land pieces. In this paper, meanwhile of introducing the needed tools in suite structure of rural land segregation, including rural law and rights, standards and limitation, this question had been overturned that what are the main challenges of rural land segregation process in Mashhad rural area? Therefore, had been tried to analyzing of exist structure of rural land segregation by explanation of rural law and right through of expert and specialist of Bonyad Maskan office, and also some experts such as consultants of conducting projects in rural area and other institutions such as Engineering Organization and institution of document registration in Mashhad province. In addition of these sample study, had been tried to analyzing the possible challenges in land segregation process, from the perspective of land owners of case study area. Used methodology of this study is based on qualitative approaches and by using of Grounded Theory as a one of the explanative approaches of research. In first step, data gathering had been done by document and liberally resources for proving the theorical base of this process and in next step had been used of open and unstructured interviews. Gathered data had been analyzing by conceptual analysis techniques and after coding in three stages (open coding, axial coding and selected coding), finally conceptual model of land segregation challenges in rural area had been extracted from analyzed data that include land providing challenges, limitation of natural and physical factors, legal barriers of owners and executive limitation of land segregation that legal limitation is most important factor for shaping the land segregation process in rural area. 
Rural land segregation predicate to intercepting the land pieces for devotion to different and variant uses inter or around of rural physical texture that its main goal is providing the healthy, safety and public welfare for rural people and also appropriate exploitation of land for rural reclamation with considering the shortage of residential, official and services spaces in rural area and also with observing the appropriate accessing of land pieces. In this paper, meanwhile of introducing the needed tools in suite structure of rural land segregation, including rural law and rights, standards and limitation, this question had been overturned that what are the main challenges of rural land segregation process in Mashhad rural area? Therefore, had been tried to analyzing of exist structure of rural land segregation by explanation of rural law and right through of expert and specialist of Bonyad Maskan office, and also some experts such as consultants of conducting projects in rural area and other institutions such as Engineering Organization and institution of document registration in Mashhad province. In addition of these sample study, had been tried to analyzing the possible challenges in land segregation process, from the perspective of land owners of case study area. 
Used methodology of this study is based on qualitative approaches and by using of Grounded Theory as a one of the explanative approaches of research. In first step, data gathering had been done by document and liberally resources for proving the theorical base of this process and in next step had been used of open and unstructured interviews. Gathered data had been analyzing by conceptual analysis techniques and after coding in three stages (open coding, axial coding and selected coding), finally conceptual model of land segregation challenges in rural area had been extracted from analyzed data that include land providing challenges, limitation of natural and physical factors, legal barriers of owners and executive limitation of land segregation that legal limitation is most important factor for shaping the land segregation process in rural area.


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