Assessing and Analizing Farmers Drought Coping Strategies in Kermanshah Province



Drought is the most important natural disasters, which inflict huge losses on the rural areas. Control and adapt to drought in rural areas is of great importance.The native method appropriate way to manage the crisis.The approach is a reaction to the drought as a grammatical structure control, focused and technology-driven way to a new approach called community-based management that culture, capacities and knowledge of the local communities concerned. This study aims to identify and prioritize local strategies to adapt to drought in Kermanshah Province. The research method is analytical and measurement techniques. Data collection methods and field practices library. The total number of villages, 4 villages in the province to strongly differentiate the drought, natural conditions and geographical distribution in the province. The study population using Cochran's sampling and 95/0 reliability and accuracy probability sample of 200 students was 0.90. To test the hypothesis using SPSS software and Spearman correlation coefficient, Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. The results of the research showed that the relationship between the frequency and severity of droughts significantly and positively perceived by farmers, civil land, irrigated lands, individual and family crisis management strategies, and the villages surveyed in the above-mentioned strategies There is a significant difference.
Drought is a phenomenon that in every region and country, the climate is dry or wet, and with drought and water scarcity is different happen. However, drought will exacerbate drought and water shortage problem. To avoid any area where there is drought, but to deal with it and reduce potential damage, measures can be taken.This phenomenon is caused by (Parsley et al., 1392: 174). The ongoing efforts at the global, national and regional drought for the recognition more accurate, access to effective mechanisms to predict and deal with the consequences of consensus on the definition of direct and indirect, and it is ongoing. Today, countries where droughts are more susceptible to being caught in the trap of anti-drought programs and strategies developed and carried out. (Word bank, 2002: 15).
Due to the climatic conditions of the country and the risk of drought in arid and semi arid belt in Iran is very high. But for various reasons (the short period stations and their inappropriate distribution, computer facilities and the shortage of skilled and less attention to drought) in the past is not to do a comprehensive study of drought., strength and impact on the lives of the villagers have RahbrdHa (Glory, 1382: 292).
Farmers in drought coping strategies that employ risk management and crisis management is defined in two parts. Hence the need to plan to cope or adapt to reducing the damage caused by this phenomenon and to adopt appropriate strategies will be felt by farmers.Based on many years of experience gained in government organizations and other farmers, so that they apply these strategies in times of drought in the first degree and second-degree compatible with the phenomenon of losses caused by drought to minimize. When drought strategies different from the government and non-governmental organizations to provide the farmers with regard to social and environmental realities - inadequate and sometimes non-viable rural economy. And in many cases for reasons such as lack of capital, limited infrastructure, technology, and cultural appreciation and acceptance are not farmers. Thus, coping with drought should be tailored to geographic, social, economic and various areas are set. With regard to this issue, taking into account local conditions and their environment, rural and indigenous knowledge that is gained by using various coping strategies in the fall. This study seeks to analyze strategies for coping with drought farmers that they can help identify significant in the context of planning and action to deal with the drought count (POURTAHERI et al., 1392: 22-6).
‌Kermanshah as the scope of the climate is semi-arid and steppe. The province has 711 thousand hectares of rain-fed and irrigated land is 235 hectares (Regional Water Company in Kermanshah, 1393: 9). Given the significant amount of irrigated lands and drylands to drought that occurred in recent years necessity of coping strategies to deal with the drought from the farmers than ever before. Drought Severity Index is calculated according to the Meteorological Office in the province between 1387 to 1392 indicate more severe droughts in the city in the 1388-1387 crop year (honor and Zarafshan, 1389: 133). The province is divided into four groups based on the mentioned criteria and Rawansar cities, Kangavar, Islamabad West and Sarpolezahab with regard to the appropriate spatial distribution and ultimately Khorramabad villages of Normandy, Solomon-e-Mohammad Khani and Jalalvand Upper chosen as the unit of analysis. Empirical evidence and preliminary field data obtained indicate that the villages affected by drought in recent years with problems Nzyrkahsh product, lack of drinking water, ground water and reducing livestock faced decrease. Therefore, the central question of this study is to examine the compatibility of rural farmers cope with drought and what strategies to adopt.


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