Pathology of Water- user Cooperatives (Case study: Mian-Darband Plain, Kermanshah Township)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture Extension and Education, College of Agriculture, Razi university of Kermanshah, Iran

2 Graduate Master of Agricultural Extension and Education, Department of Agriculture Extension and Education, College of Agriculture, Razi university of Kermanshah, Iran.

3 PhD Student in Agricultural Development, Department of Agriculture Extension and Education, College of Agriculture, Razi university of Kermanshah, Iran.


The main purpose of this mixed research was to identify and prioritize the damage of participatory irrigation management among water users' cooperatives in Mian-Darband Plain of Kermanshah Township. The population for qualitative phase consisted of experts and Informant at Kermanshah Regional Water Organization (N=15). Sampling method for this phase was purposeful. Population of quantitative part was members in water users' cooperatives of Mian Darband (N=688) that a sample of 245 was selected by stratified random sampling method. The data collection tool was semi-structured interview and a researcher-made questionnaire Based on the findings from the qualitative part, the damage expressed by the members of water cooperatives was divided into two categories, including the damage related to cooperatives and members (internal damage) and damage related to organization and related organs to the management of irrigation and drainage networks (external damage). According to the results of the quantitative apart, the most important damages which threaten the cooperatives were: not holding of management board meetings and general assembly, dissatisfaction with policy of management networks, distrust among members of cooperation, lack of timely delivery of water during the growing season, lack of uniformity in water distribution, high water pricing, not delivering long-time credits by government for recovering water resources. Water- user Cooperatives Cluster analysis was used in five clusters to determine the extent of identified impacts.


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