Determining the Optimal Employment Pattern in Rural Areas of East Guilan

Document Type : Research Project Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Regional Studies, Environmental Research Institute, Academic Center for Education, Culture, and Research (ACECR), Rasht, Iran.

2 Research Expert, Department of Regional Studies, Environmental Research Institute, Academic Center for Education, Culture, and Research (ACECR), Rasht, Iran.

3 Lectureship, Department of Regional Studies, Environmental Research Institute, Academic Center for Education, Culture, and Research (ACECR), Rasht, Iran.


Land use planning in conditions of uncertainty requires the optimal allocation of land homogeneous, compatible, and incompatible with natural and human environments. The purpose of this study is to determine the range of rural and natural areas in the east of Guilan province to diversify sustainable rural employment. Geographical level of this research is the whole area of rural geography of East Gilan and the statistical population includes experts and implementers in the field of rural planning in Gilan province, among whom 83 people were interviewed in a purposeful manner. Sample volume adequacy was also considered based on repetition or saturation.For this purpose, first, using Mic Mac software, the most effective and impressible factors involved in rural employment were identified, and then, with the help of forming a balanced cross-matrix in Scenario Wizard software, possible scenarios for job creation were designed. In this study, the three scenarios of job creation consist of activities heterogeneous with the environment, activities consistent with the environment, and activities incompatible with the environment. In order to allocate land, first, the variables were weighted using the AHP method and then the competence zone for each strategy was obtained using the MCE method. Finally, in order to allocate land to each of these three strategies, using MOLA modeling techniques, the most suitable areas were identified by delimitation. The results showed that plains to the foothills areas have the highest potential for creating homogeneous and nature-related jobs , mountainous areas deserve to develop compatible jobs with nature and activities that are not compatible with nature can be developed as scattered spots throughout the area.


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