The New Paradigm of Neo_Endogenous Rural Development: A Thematic Analysis

Document Type : Thesis Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Geography and Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


The endogenous rural development paradigm is one of the newest philosophical ideas that has occupied an essential part of rural studies. However, there is still no deep understanding of the different aspects of this new paradigm. This study aims to investigate the different paradigmatic aspects of Neo-Endogenous rural development. This article completes the existing narratives about the emerging paradigm in such a way that it This study has done a systematic review and thematic analysis of 47 texts using PRISMA guidelines. Examining these texts led to the identification of four main themes and 18 sub-themes. The results show that a significant part of the Endogenous endogenous rural development literature has been produced in Europe. The main focus of the studies covers the topics of structural ontology and relational epistemology, and fewer studies have dealt with ethics and process-communicative praxis. Subjective results show that the Neo_Endogenous rural development paradigm has surpassed the previous two paradigms of exogenous development and endogenous development regarding paradigmatic characteristics. The most important lesson of this paradigm is to consider the interaction between local actors, institutions, and external forces within the networks in forming rural development policies, which can give us a deeper understanding of the rural development process. However, applying this new paradigm requires careful examination of each rural area's unique characteristics and dynamics.


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