The new paradigm of Neo_Endogenous rural development: a thematic analysis

Document Type : Thesis Article


1 PhD student, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



Extention abstract
1. Introduction
The concept of rural development has long been a complex and controversial endeavor. Since the beginning, various approaches have been proposed by government organizations and private institutions, each of which has brought different results. The paradigm of Neo-Endogenous development was born from the gaps between the two paradigms of exogenous development and endogenous development. By studying the literature, we can see that the paradigm of Neo-Endogenous development is one of the most recent philosophical ideas that has occupied an important part of rural studies. Although the future of rural development is tied to the paradigm of rural development. However, there is still no deep understanding of the paradigmatic aspects of Neo-Endogenous rural development. Therefore, it is necessary to know its paradigmatic aspects. This study aims to investigate the different paradigmatic aspects of Neo-Endogenous rural development. this paper contributes to the completion of the existing narratives surrounding the emerging paradigm of Neo-Endogenous.
2. Methodology
The present research methodology employs two analytical methods - a systematic review and thematic analysis. Firstly, the researchers have used a systematic review to collect, select, evaluate, and analyze the studies related to the development of neo_endogenous. In the second stage, they used thematic analysis to identify patterns, focuses, and relationships between the components and concepts of the neo-endogenous development paradigm. The researchers have used Maxqda2 software to summarize and analyze the selected sources. This helped to structure and review the collected materials with theoretical sensitivity. The article focuses on identifying the paradigmatic characteristics of rural neo-endogenous development. The systematic review section follows the PRISMA principles for the literature review strategy. For the thematic analysis part, the researchers have used the theme analysis method in 6 stages, starting from the initial open coding to the definition of themes in continuous comparison. The researchers have determined data eligibility criteria based on 9 entry and exit criteria.
3. Result
The research findings were presented in two parts: (1). First, the findings related to the systematic review. In the sub-section of the geographical origin of the literature, it shows that most studies of rural Neo_Endogenous have been carried out in Europe and North America. In the following section, the difference of topics based on geographical regions shows that most of the researches are focused on structural ontology and then relational epistemology. (2). The second is the results of the thematic analysis of the literature. The theoretical lens of the rural Neo_Endogenous development paradigm indicates the existence of different views on this new paradigm. The findings of the topic coverage show that this paradigm is formed by 4 topics and 18 sub-topics, all of which are related to each other. The paradigmatic characteristics of neo-endogenous rural development include constructive ontology, relational epistemology, processual-communicative praxis, and critical ethics-based value.

4. discussion and Conclusion
This article is a systematic and thematic review of the new paradigm of rural development. Despite extensive research in this area, few studies have investigated the paradigmatic characteristics of Neo-Endogenous rural development. The main purpose of this article is to investigate this gap in the literature and to contribute to knowledge regarding the prevailing approach in the Neo-Endogenous development paradigm. The discussions show that European countries have a special share of new paradigm studies. Europe has become the cradle of the Neo-Endogenous paradigm. Studies show that the new paradigm has more capacity and ability to develop rural areas. However, this current of thought is unfamiliar and strange to African, South American, and Asian countries.
The research found that ontology and epistemology were the most studied subjects, while methodology and ethics received the least attention. Critical issues and analysis of the power discourse have also received less attention from scholars and have only been noticed since 2015. The Neo_endogenous rural development paradigm includes both endogenous and exogenous approaches. The emergence of a new paradigm offers a new perspective to address the challenges facing rural areas. The most important lesson of this paradigm is to consider the interaction between local actors, institutions, and external forces within the networks in the formation of rural development policies, which can bring a deeper understanding of the rural development process. However, the application of this new paradigm requires careful examination of the unique characteristics and dynamics of each rural area. By embracing the Neo_Endogenous, policymakers, and researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions that shape rural development.
This systematic and thematic review has provided insights into key concepts and theories related to this emerging paradigm. As our understanding of networks and their role in rural development continues to evolve, it is important to focus on new ideas and approaches that can help meet the diverse and evolving needs of rural communities.
This study has limitations that must be acknowledged. Firstly, this research has addressed the paradigmatic features and approaches governing the development of rural Neo-Endogenous, which requires further study of the philosophical assumptions of this paradigm. Secondly, since the research tried to show the theoretical aspects of Neo-Endogenous development from a paradigmatic angle, dealing with the practical aspects of this paradigm in the rural development of Iran requires extensive research.

This article is extracted from the doctoral dissertation of the first author in the Department of Geography and Planning of Tarbiat Modares University, under the guidance of the second author and the advice of the third author.

Conflict interest
The author declared no conflicts of interest.


Main Subjects

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 29 February 2024
  • Receive Date: 31 October 2023
  • Revise Date: 13 February 2024
  • Accept Date: 14 February 2024