Analysis of barriers and solutions to the development of rural women's entrepreneurship in Gurabpass Rular, foman

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, in Geography and Rural Planning, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, in Geography and Rural Planning, Azad University ,Rasht, Iran

3 M.A Student in Geography and Rural Planning, Azad University, Rasht, Ira


Entrepreneurship is the main axes of development of each country. Entrepreneurship as an effective strategy to solve the problems of unemployment, economic development, poverty alleviation and social justice, especially in rural communities, is need. Since, women are  a large part of the rural population and their entrepreneurship is important. The aim of this study was to assess the capabilities, constraints, and ultimately provide solutions for women entrepreneurship development in rural Gurabpass. Evaluation of the entrepreneurial process is important for the following reasons: The first reason is that entrepreneurship actives innovation and technological changes. So, it can create economic growth.
Second reason, “on the basis of whatever economists have expressed” is that entrepreneurial activity is a process which are in balance by supply and demand. The third reason is that entrepreneurship is an important process which makes a move from new knowledge to goods and services. Fourth, it is an important profession that we need  to know its role and function in  development of human and intellectual capital.
The aim of this study was to assess the capabilities, constraints, and ultimately provide solutions for women entrepreneurship development in rural Gurabpass.  This research is applicable and the survey was conducted.
The root of entrepreneurship term is belonging to French literature. Joseph Schumpeter (1911) believed that entrepreneurship is the engine of economic development. Reagan (2002) is believed that, rural entrepreneurship, providing employment, increasing income and wealth, and improves the quality of life and help the local people to participate in economic activities.
Entrepreneurship barriers is divided in three categories by Mohammadi (1390) : cultural, social and economic.
Sayyed Hassan Motiee Langroodi et empowerment (1390)factors affecting the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas malayer city looked beats and Samen. The results of this research have been shown that personality and environmental factors impact in increasing of rural capability for building and business development.
Alidoust S. (1391) in her article titled “priority of barriers in development of rural women entrepreneurship in city of Garmsar” announced that economic and educational barriers are to the most important barriers in pathway of the development of rural women entrepreneurship, respectively
This research is applied and the method has been used is qualitative and quantitative. for data collection, library’s and field studies have been used. In field studies, data in two parts of personal information and barriers of development of rural women entrepreneurship  has been collected and completed in the form of questionnaires. For additional information, in addition of questionnaires; interviews, observation, photograph and etc. has been used. After data collection, SPSS software for coding has been used and after data entry, process has been done. To define and analysis of data, a factor analysis (principal component rotation method, varimax method of Kaiser criterion), were used.
In this study, data was collected in order to investigation of barriers and capabilities of development of rural women Entrepreneurship and by use of rotating method, main components, Varimax and Kaiser Criteria were factor analyzed. Field data showed that women living in studied range have necessary capabilities for development of entrepreneurship and creation of business. Three factors include of “motivation and perseverance, personality and rural capabilities for women entrepreneurship development”  were identified in studied area, respectively. Five hinder entrepreneurship development were identified in order of priority are: cultural barriers - learning, lack of facilities, lack of financial resources, both public and personal obstacles. However, field data showed that these people have not benefited from effective training and efficient.
The results shown that the women’s living in this rural, have motivation, perseverance and individual ability to be an entrepreneur. Also, there is a natural and historical context such as cave Fusheh, castles Rod- khan, lush landscapes and untouched forests in the district of Gurabpass for development of entrepreneurship.
Therefore, we concluded that this rural and their women’s have good abilities for entrepreneurship development. By reducing the barriers of entrepreneurial, rural development is possible in this village by their women.


Main Subjects

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