Future research into rural destinations is a critical element of the sustainable development of rural tourism in Yazd province (Case Study: Saryazd village)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Tourism Management Department, Faculty of Management & Accounting, University of Allameh Tabataba'i, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Candidate, Tourism Management Department, Faculty of Management & Accounting, University of Allameh Tabataba'i, Tehran, Iran.


This research aims to provide guidelines for the sustainable development of rural tourism by using the future study of target villages for tourism in central Iran, which was carried out with a case study of Saryazd, the target village for tourism in the province of Yazd. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and is in the category of descriptive-analytical research. The research's statistical sample comprises ten experts with more than ten years of related experience selected by non-random snowball sampling. Data were collected through media scanning, written and digital sources, interviews, and questionnaires and were analyzed using MAXQDA software and quantitative content analysis techniques. The research method is based on the TAIDA technique, which will be used in future research and scenario development. The research findings showed that the most crucial strategy at the management level is creating a destination management/marketing organization (DMO) and developing a destination management plan (DMP). At the activity level, the training of the local community and their preparation for participation in rural tourism activities by experts and the creation of facilities by the public sector, such as tax exemption incentives for investors to invest in the village and rural tourism. At the task level, changing the water consumption pattern and familiarizing all stakeholders with new methods of water consumption and modern irrigation techniques are suggested guidelines to reach the desired future scenario.


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