Keywords = Sustainable development
Investigating the Effect of Rural Women’s Entrepreneurship on Households’ Sustainable Food Security (Case Study: Khorramabad Township)

Volume 12, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 274-289


Fatemeh Maleki Fard; Rezvan Ghanbari Movahed; Saeed Gholamrezai; Mohammadreza Pakravan Charvadeh

Strategic Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism Purposes Using the SOAR Strategic Model

Volume 11, Issue 1, June 2020, Pages 90-105


Ahmad Roumiani; Hamid Shayan; Hamdollah Sojasi Qeidari; Mohammad Reza Rezvani

Sustainable Rural Tourism in the Margins of Tehran Metropolis (From the Perspective of Ahar)

Volume 7, Issue 2, September 2016, Pages 286-299

Mohammad Reza Rezavani; Seyyd Ali Badri; Zabihullah Torabi; Ahmad Malekan; Ali Asgary