چالش‌ها و بازدارنده‌های بهره‌گیری از ظرفیت پیوندهای روستایی ـ شهری برای باز ساخت اقتصادی فضای روستایی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 گروه جغرافیای انسانی و آمایش، دانشکده علوم زمین، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی

2 گروه جغرافیای انسانی و آمایش، دانشکده علوم زمین، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، تهران، ایران


شهر و روستا به‌مثابه دو سکونتگاه انسانی از دیرباز با یکدیگر پیوند داشته‌اند. با توجه به این‌که نوع، شدت و ضعف و کیفیت پیوندهای روستایی ـ شهری همواره دستخوش تحول بوده و از ظرفیت‌ها و توانایی‌های آشکار و پنهان فراوانی برای باز ساخت اقتصادی برخوردار است، مطالعه حاضر با آرمان شناخت چالش‌ها و بازدارنده‌های بهره‌گیری از ظرفیت پیوندهای روستایی - شهری و باز ساخت اقتصادی فضای روستایی در کشور ایران و استان قم به‌مثابه یکی از کشورهای درحال‌توسعه به روش کیفی انجام شد. داده‌های کیفی با 8 بحث گروهی و 30 مصاحبه انفرادی ژرف گردآوری شد. این تعداد نمونه به روش هدفمند از میان تعداد 97 نفر از مدیران و خبرگان حوزه موردمطالعه (جامعه آماری) که اطلاع دقیق‌تری از وضع موجود داشتند و با توجه به سطوح فعالیت، تجربه و جایگاه علمی انتخاب شدند. روش انتخاب خبرگان نمونه‌گیری هدفمند و با بیشترین گوناگونی بود و باهدف شناسایی صاحب‌نظران از روش گلوله برفی بهره‌گیری شد و تا رسیدن به اشباع نظری ادامه داشت. اطلاعات به روش زمینه مبنا یا درون‌مایه‌ای با نرم‌افزار MAXQDA2020 تحلیل شد. یافته‌ها آشکار ساخت که ازجمله مهم‌ترین چالش بهره‌گیری از ظرفیت پیوندهای روستایی ـ شهری برای باز ساخت اقتصادی فضای روستایی پایین بودن میزان دسترسی و کیفیت راه‌ها میان شهر و روستا و نرخ پایین شراکت و سرمایه‌گذاری شهری‌ها در فعالیت‌های روستایی است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Challenges and obstacles to using the capacity of rural-urban linkages for the economic reconstruction of rural areas

نویسندگان [English]

  • Naser Shafieisabet 1
  • Sogand Khaksar 2
1 Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

The city and the village, as two human settlements, have been connected with each other for a long time. Considering the fact that the type, intensity, weakness, and quality of rural-urban linkages have always undergone transformation and have many open and hidden capacities and potentials for economic reconstruction, the present study aims to identify the challenges and obstacles to exploiting the capacity of rural linkages. Urban and economic reconstruction of the rural area in Iran, as one of the developing countries, was carried out in a qualitative way. Qualitative data were collected through eight group discussions and 30 in-depth individual interviews. This number of samples was selected in a targeted way from among the 97 managers and experts in the field under study (the statistical population) who had more detailed information about the current situation and were selected according to their activity levels, experience, and scientific status. The method of selecting the participants was purposeful sampling with the greatest variety, and with the aim of identifying the experts, the snowball method was used and continued until theoretical saturation was reached. The information was analyzed by the method of the base context or thematic with MAXQDA2020 software. The findings revealed that one of the most important challenges of using the capacity of rural-urban links for the economic reconstruction of the rural area is the low level of access and quality of roads between the city and the village, and the low rate of urban participation and investment in rural activities.
Extended Abstract
Since 1976, this discourse has been advanced that utilising all the capacity of rural-urban linkages is in line with the goals of sustainable development; also, it provides the basis for improving the construction and economic reconstruction of the rural area (Forster et al., 2015). Based on this discourse, the success of development programmes depends on the proper use of the capacities and potentials of rural centres in the direction of the progress and reconstruction of the rural economy and within the framework of regional policies (Sharifi et al., 2021). At the level of space, there are various flows, such as the flow of people, goods, money, information, and waste, which have internal linkages with the level of the household and the local economy and overlap with each other. These flows are the concepts that have been analyzed in the theory of rural-urban linkages about spatial flows. In the framework of the process of economic reconstruction in the rural area, in the form of diversification of rural economic activities, such as diversification within the activities of the agricultural sector (agricultural, horticultural, livestock, aquaculture, etc.), and non-agricultural (transformation and complementary industries), and with flexibility and The expansion of handicrafts and workshops has led to the creation of new economic organisations and investments in rural areas, and new sectors have added to the current businesses.
The present research was conducted using a qualitative method between October 1402 and May 1402. The statistical population investigated in this study includes all stakeholders and experts related to the management and planning affairs of Qom province and university professors who have researched the field of rural-urban linkages in Iran. Consultations with experts were identified.
Results and discussion
Most of the participants in this research stated that in Iran, due to the diversity of geographical and climatic conditions as well as differences in environmental capabilities, the economic activities of the villages are not the same, and often the economic and social characteristics of the villages of each province are different from those of another province. Previously, the structure of the rural economy of Iran, like many developing countries, was based on agriculture and animal husbandry, and industrial, mining, and service activities have expanded in the rural area only during the last few decades. According to the findings of the research and according to the statements of the interviewees, the challenges and obstacles of economic reconstruction affected by the capacity of urban and rural linkages in three agricultural sectors (improving the condition of transformation and complementary industries, exploitation systems to develop the production of agricultural products for domestic and foreign markets, diversification in the production of agricultural products), the industry sector (investment in small manufacturing industries and handicrafts, the development of new industrial production skills), and the service sector (marketing services for the production and commercial exchanges, creating local economic advantages "forward and backward linkages " between producers and These findings are in line with the studies of Trant and Brinkman (1992, Cabinet Office (2000, Countryside Agency (2003), and SEDD (2005).
The current research was conducted using a qualitative method to identify the challenges and obstacles of using the capacity of rural-urban linkages for the economic reconstruction of rural space from the perspective of stakeholders and experts. The summary of the participants in the present study shows that according to the current state of urban-rural linkages in developing countries such as Iran, this statement will have different scenarios in the future, but in general, if the current situation in the rural areas of the developing countries continues, They will not have a suitable development situation in such a way that nothing will happen in the reconstruction of the village economy and the sustainable livelihood of the villagers, and there is a possibility of further evacuation of rural areas from human capital, and even the number of rural areas without inhabitants will increase.
The available resources of the village, which mostly relies on cultivated land, will face more erosion in the direction of overexploitation and raw sales towards urban areas and lack of updating of the cultivation flow, and in many rural areas of Iran, climate change is also A very threatening element will act. If there is a change in communication policies between the city and the countryside (such as the theory of the growth pole and hierarchy) and better strategies that have been experienced in developed countries and have positive results, such as regional development strategies (RDS), we can hope for the reconstruction of the rural economy in developing countries.
This doctoral thesis has been financially supported by the Presidential Research Fund in the form of a research project with the same title.
Authors’ Contribution
Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Rural space
  • Economic reconstruction
  • Sectoral developments
  • Environmental barriers
  • Qom province
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